
AP Precalculus Announced for 2023/24 School Year
APIntroducing AP Precalculus
The College Board recently announced the creation of a new AP class: AP Precalculus. As with other AP courses, this will be accompanied by an AP Precalculus exam in May for college credit. This new course will premier…

AP® Prep for 2020 Online Exams
COVID-19AP exams are almost here – May 11 is right around the corner! If you’re taking APs, you already know that this year’s exams are:
open-book and open-note
free-response questions only, no multiple-choice questions

Studying for the 2020 AP Exams: A Whole New Ballgame
COVID-19Over the last few weeks, the College Board has released further details about changes to the 2020 AP exams in the face of Covid-19. The test you thought you were preparing for all school year? It’s not the test you’ll face in May.

Four Reasons to Take the Summer SAT or ACT
TEST PREPFor decades, the SAT and the ACT have only been offered during the school year. Starting in 2017, the College Board began offering an August SAT date. Now, starting in 2018, the ACT is offering a July testing date. These summer SAT or ACT test…

AP Exam Prep: A Marathon, Not a Sprint
TEST PREPAP exams are tough—they’re supposed to be. These 3-hour long tests cover an entire year’s worth of material, so there’s a lot to review. If you’re planning to wait until a couple of weeks before the AP exams to start studying, we’ve…

The Value of Test Prep Programs
TEST PREPOver the past several decades, tutoring and test prep programs have become commonplace. In some areas, the question for families is not whether their children will enroll in a test prep program but where they will enroll. But it’s hardly surprising,…