
The best way to get good test scores is to practice. C2 can help with you test prep.

The Key to Good Test Scores: Practice, Practice, Practice

If we could only offer one tip for good SAT or ACT scores, it would be this: Practice, practice, practice. Years of studies have shown that test scores tend to increase with repeated testing. In fact, the makers of the ACT have found that…
"My math skills are bad." Some people think they either have math skills or they don't. Let C2 help you with math, so you don't ever wonder!

On the Bright Side: My Math Skills Need Help

“I suck at math.” “Math just isn’t my thing.” “I just can’t do math.” So many people seem to think that being good at math is some sort of innate skill – you’ve got it or you don’t. We don’t usually think of…
man holding a tablet

Using Technology to Boost Study Skills

According to a recent national study, students between the ages of 8 and 18 now spend more than twice as much time with high-tech screens than they do in the classroom. Although much of this time is spent on thoroughly non-academic pursuits…
female high school student studying with laptop

The Best Way to Study

Every student wants to know the secret to acing the big test, whether that test is next week’s history quiz or the SAT. Let’s start with some bad news: There is no fast, simple, effort-free way to learn. Now for some good news: There…