Early data for 2018 shows record breaking low admission rates at top schools. Let C2 help with your college admissions!

Record-Low Admission Rates at Top Colleges

Each spring, colleges begin to announce their admission rates for the incoming freshman class. For the past several years, these announcements have followed a downward trend with rates dipping lower and lower. This year is proving to be no exception.…
May 1st is when most students are required to have chosen their college. Having a hard time deciding? Let C2 help!

National College Decision Day – Is That Your Final Choice?

May 1 is a little known holiday called National College Decision Day. This is the deadline by which most students are required to have submitted their deposits to their chosen colleges. Hopefully, you worked really hard and got some great…
A good college counselor can be very helpful in your journey to college acceptance. Let C2 Education help!

Why You Need a Good College Counselor

A lot of families figure they’ve got this college admissions thing down. After all, your parents probably went through the application process, so they know what to do. Besides, your school has plenty of counselors on staff – they’ll help,…
cost of college

Paying for College: You Got In. Now to Pay for It.

Most students don’t give much thought to what happens after they get those coveted acceptance letters. If you're at the beginning of the college applications, don't miss our webinar on the college admissions process. Remember, there are…
male student agonizing over his college application essays

On the Bright Side: My Bad College Essay

Maybe you’re a senior sending out last minute applications to beat those regular admission deadlines. Or maybe you’re a junior staring down the tunnel at college application season (which is, terrifyingly enough, mere months away).
female student in lecture hall taking notes for ap class

What’s Better: An A in a Regular Class or a B in an AP Class?

Colleges want to see students get good grades in tough classes. This seems like a pretty tall order, but it makes sense: Students who can get good grades in hard classes are more likely to be able to succeed in college courses. This tug of…
students volunteering

Volunteering: Giving Back During the Holiday Season

It’s wonderful to think about the holiday season. You probably think of food, time spent with family and loved ones, and, well, more food. But at its core, the holiday season is a time of giving, which makes this time of year a particularly…

Safety Schools: Why Every Student Needs Them

There’s really no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to deciding how many colleges to apply to, but there is one hard and fast rule that applies to every student: Everyone should apply to more than one safety school. What Is a safety…

3 College Admissions Nightmares and How to Avoid Them

Getting into college used to be a relatively simple process. Because higher education was mostly reserved for privileged members of society, colleges tended to accept any high school student in good standing whose parents could pay the cost…