ACT Updates: COVID-19
ACT has postponed the launch of online testing. ACT remains focused on increasing seat capacity for fall test dates at in-person centers.
June 25 UPDATE
ACT has added three additional test dates this fall to help meet increased…

5 ACT Math Tips to Achieve High Scores
ACT, TEST PREPLove it or hate it, there’s no escaping math. Students hoping to use the ACT for admission to a dream college need to build the math chops for top ACT scores. ACT math questions are roughly ordered from easiest to hardest. Understanding this…

ACT Time Management: 7 Tips You Should Follow
ACT, TEST PREPThe ACT is both a marathon AND a sprint – it’s a long test (around 3 hours) that you have to move through very quickly. You have less than one minute per question on the ACT – and as little as 36 seconds per question on the English section…