
Student Grades: What College Admissions Look For
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSCollege admissions: confusing, complicated, not fun…
These are just a few ways to describe the college admissions process. To help you out, we’ve created a three part series that will give insight into what colleges actually look for…

Applying to College: When Should I Start?
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSWhen should you apply to college? It seems like such a simple question. I mean, obviously you’ll apply by the application deadline, right?
But which deadline?
Many colleges offer more than one application period: An early application…

What SAT and ACT Scores Do I Need?
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSAccording to surveys by the National Association of College Admission Counselors, admissions officers routinely cite SAT and ACT scores as one of the most important factors in admission decisions, so it’s no wonder that students stress about…

Applying to College: What You Need to Know
Road signs and mailboxes may be literally melting in the summer heat in some parts of the country, but for rising seniors, summer break is over. It’s time to start working on those college applications. We’re here to help! Keep reading…