C2 Education of GainesvilleTutoring, Test Prep & College Counseling
C2 Education of Gainesville

Where To Find Us: We are located up the hill from the Onelife Fitness Center in the buildings closest to Heathcote Boulevard, around the corner from a group of restaurants.
A Complete Solution to College Acceptance
C2 of Gainesville develops individualized college prep programs, combining test prep, tutoring, and college admissions counseling, to give Gainesville students the best chance at college acceptance. C2 Gainesville students have enjoyed admission to many prestigious colleges such as Penn State University, University of Virginia (UVA), College of William & Mary, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Duke University, George Mason University, James Madison University, The University of Maryland, Virginia Commonwealth Universityand more - contact us to learn how they achieved such great college admissions results!
Personalized SAT Prep and ACT Prep
C2 Education of Gainesville provides customized test prep programs to students in all grades and skill levels. Whether a student needs help with the SAT, ACT, PSAT, or AP exams, C2 brings results.
Get a Free Consultation!
Gainesville Tutoring
Our tutors can help students with everything from grammar and reading comprehension to calculus and chemistry. C2 Gainesville tutoring programs bring a flexible learning environment with personalized attention from our team of experts. We create fully customized programs designed to build on strengths while addressing weaknesses.
College Admissions Consulting with C2
C2 Gainesville's certified counselors are ready to help make your college application stand out. Whether you need a college admissions coach to help plan out high school or some guidance on your college essay, our team is here to support you.
Call C2 Education and schedule an appointment today!

SAT Prep|Digital SAT Prep|ACT Prep|PSAT/NMSQT Prep|AP Exam Prep|SSAT/ISEE Prep|College Admissions Counseling|College Application Help|College Essay Help|K-12 Personalized Tutoring|Math Tutoring (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics)|Reading Tutoring|Writing Tutoring|Summer Programs|Study Skills|Accelerated Learning
Area Schools
We welcome students from all schools, not just those listed!
Graveley Elementary School|Victory ES|Pennington Traditional School|John Champe HS|Chris Yung ES|Colgan Senior HS|Glenkirk MS|Stonewall Jackson HS|J.W. Alvey Middle School|Brentsville HS|Marstellar MS|Battlefield HS|Osbourn Park HS|William Monroe High School|Liberty HS|Bull Run MS|St. Michael's Academy|Patriot HS|Osbourn High School|Governor's School @ Innovation Park|Auburn MS|Highland School|Randolph Macon Academy|Wakefield Country Day School|Buckland Mills ES|Benton MS|Tyler ES|Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology|Ronald Reagan MS|Loudon Country Day School|Piney Branch ES|St. John Paul the Great Catholic HS|Gainesville MS|Gainesville High School